Early Years Series – Common Children’s Injuries

The EYP is pleased to announce our new Early Years Series, a monthly presentation on issues of interest to parents of young children by professionals in various fields.

Each presentation aims to provide parents with important information in areas related to young children’s behavior, medical care, nutrition, psychology and entertainment. Presentations will be held on the last Wednesday of every month at 18:00 either in English or Greek.

Our first speaker is Dr. Eleftherios Smaropoulos, pediatric surgeon and Doctor of the Medical School at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Dr. Smaropoulos’ talk entitled “Παιδικό Τραύμα – Οικιακό Ατύχημα” will address issues of common children’s injuries and will take place on Wednesday, January 26 at 18:00 in the Pinewood Library. His talk will be in Greek and a question and answer session will follow.