Grade 1 Visit Thessaloniki Olympic Museum


Grade 1 – 2018 Host Country Studies Trips – Tuesday, November 20: Thessaloniki Olympic Museum

Baron Pierre de Coubertin, one of the founders of the modern Olympic Games said, “If someone were to ask for the recipe for “becoming Olympic”, I would say that the first prerequisite is to be joyful” … and joyful our Grade 1 students were, participating in an highly educational and interactive program; “Nutrition and Cooking.” The aim of this program was to get our students involved in a delightful research project and in the food-making process, to motivate them to eat healthily… It’s possible, even with mini pizzas! At the Olympic Museum, our Grade 1 students took part in the Nutrition workshop, then had the opportunity to put what they learnt into practice. Students had an exciting cooking lesson with the assistance of a famous Thessaloniki Chef!

A warm thank you is extended to Mrs. Tziatas, Mr. Jenkins and Mrs. Mills … without you, our trip would not have been so … tasty!

Amalia Spiliakou, Host Country Studies Coordinator