March Library News


Check out the video made by our prize-winning 4th grader, Natalia Garcia on YouTube by clicking on the image to the left.

Catalina Cojacaru in Grade 3 made a beautiful
poster collage for which she won a prize.
Grade 1 winner Kalypso Isaidou
The winners (listed above along) received a ticket to a movie of  their choice along with a free refreshment and popcorn!

March Scholastic Orders

Your Scholastic books have arrived!  We hope you enjoy reading them over the Easter break This month’s orders earned us approximately 150 euros in rewards. We shall be ordering more books from the library with these rewards so if you have any favorites you would like us to order, please let me or Ms. Georgia know.

Articles for Senior Students

A new file with articles from magazines of interest has been placed on the small table near the computers. These articles are meant for light reading and should not be removed from the library. If you enjoy reading them, more can be provided.

Thanks from the library

Thanks go to those of you who donated books to the library and a special thanks to Ms. Angela Lunigianni for her help in the library. It is greatly appreciated.

Coming up……………

The very popular Hunger Games series will be out soon in the cinema. Make sure you read it first from the library.  These 11th Graders will tell you all about it!