Operation Kindness

February 2022 - Month of Kindness


“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.”

-Barbara de Angelis

According to the latest reports, almost 40.000 men, women and children in Greece were homeless in 2021. This statistic is a historic high for the nation, and as the temperatures continue to plummet, our Pinewood Elementary, Middle School and High School Student Councils, in a joint effort, took time to reflect on their own position in this community and to identify how they can support those in need. 

This school year, in honor of Pinewood’s Month of Kindness, we are organizing our first “Operation Kindness”. Pinewood continues once again to support the homeless! After our donation and food distribution by Pinewood students to homeless around Thessaloniki centre with ΕΔΑ (Εθελοντική Διακονία Αστέγων) our next step is the homeless shelter.

Thessaloniki’s Municipality Homeless Shelter is in need of various items, ranging from toiletries and clothes to technology and household items in order to support its many residents. 

Our Operation Kindness goal is to provide them with all the items on their Donations Wishlist, thus making sure that our Pinewood Community does its part to end modern-mass homelessness.

During February, do your part, and drop off your donation in the designated boxes in various locations around the school. Let’s show the world that kindness is not doing something for someone else because they can’t, but because we can! Pinewood Can!