Book Week Thank You from Grade 5

The students in grade 5 would like to extend a special “Thank You” to their Book Week guest speakers and to family sponsors for making “Book Week” so special.

Grade 5 students took up the challenge to not only read to “feed” the library bookworm but to also read as many pages they could in the first ever 5th grade 25P  “Read-a-thon”. This event, lasted only one week but raised enough money for the class “Stepping-Up” ceremony and class gift to the school. Like any marathon sponsored event, students sought pledges from family members and relatives.  Instead of physical activity, however, their sponsors would support them for every 25 pages which they read from novels.  By the end of the week, these twelve amazing children had read almost 4,000 pages!   

Book week wasn’t only about the read-a-thon, however.  On Monday, 5th grade students selected their favorite picture book and then were paired with first graders forming “book buddies” to read to them. It was such a hit,  that this activity will continue throughout the remainder of the year.

On Tuesday, Patrick Ersgard, screenwriter and actor, spoke to the class about writing movie scripts. He skillfully engaged the children as he described how to “hook” the audience, create conflict and resolution.  He shared a movie clip of one of the scripts he wrote and also starred in.  As many students in grade 5 are involved in the Drama Club, love writing and reading,  Mr. Ersgard’s presentation was very inspiring and memorable.

On Thursday, grade 5 had another guest speaker- author and professor at Aristotle University, Christodoula Mitakidou.  She spoke to the students about writing fables and shared her many books, which have now even been translated into  Japanese.   She described the background story to several of these books, as well as how to develop the stories which they hear from parents and grandparents. It was special to hear Mrs. Mitakidou read the story to the students.  Afterwhich, she was entertained as the students read  to her.  

Sadly, there wasn’t enough time in the week to do other planned activities thus, Grade 5 is extending “Book Week” into “Book Month”. Thanks again to everyone for their help and contributions which made Book Week a memorable experience.

Mrs. Varsakopoulos
Grade 5 Teacher