Psychological Support

The School Psychologist provides support to students who are experiencing social, emotional or learning difficulties within the school setting. Parents and teachers are able to contact the School Psychologist in order to arrange a consultation and follow-up meetings. There is close collaboration with the teachers in order to improve the school life of the students.  The objective of the School Psychologist is to promote the well-being of each individual, as well as their cognitive, emotional, physical and social development with the aim of enhancing the teaching and learning environment for each of them. Individual and group counseling is held on a regular basis in order to accommodate the needs of every student.

Available Protocols for students’ health and well-being are the following:

The philosophy of Pinewood counseling services lies on a systemic approach, on connection, relationships and dynamics among parents, students and teachers. Meetings are held in a safe, confidential and holistic environment, for the School Psychologist to receive information and explore relationships, as well as achieve a more balanced and neutral intervention.

School Psychologists

Anastasia Panidou: [email protected]

Students who are residing at the Anatolia Residence Halls, and their families, are able to contact the Student Services Assistant, Ms Smaragda Spyrou, in case they have concerns or experience difficulties. Regular meetings between the team of Anatolia and the School Psychologist are held, as well as after-school visits, in order to reassure the well-being of the students, accommodate their needs and create a smooth transition and adjustment.

Assessment Center

The Pinewood Psychoeducational Assessment Center provides psychoeducational testing services to students located in Thessaloniki, Greece. Diagnostic assessments and evaluations can be defined as a collection of assessment and tests that are conducted in order to determine a child’s strengths, weaknesses, learning style, learning needs. The results of these assessments can be used to create a profile for the child, as well as develop an individualized learning plan that will enable them to perform at an optimal academic level. The type of evaluations range depending on the needs, situation, age, and linguistic background of each child.

  • The Standardized Assessment that is offered in Pinewood, the American International School of Thessaloniki includes the following assessments:
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale – Fifth Edition (WISC-V): The WISC-V is a cognitive ability measure, which provides the School Psychologists working with children with information on the intellectual performance of a child, the cognitive processing strengths and weaknesses and learning difficulties/ disorders.
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – Third Edition (WIAT-III): The WIAT-III is a standardized measurement of the academic strengths and weaknesses of a student.
  • Raven’s Progressive Matrices.
  • Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents: The Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents provide information on the emotional strengths and vulnerabilities of the students.
  • Sensory Profile 2: The Sensory Profile 2 provides you with standardized evaluation of a child’s sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school, and community-based activities.
  • Childhood Autism Rating Scales 2 (CARS 2): The CARS 2 is a standardized assessment, measuring the ability of children from 2 years old and older, to relate to people, to respond visually and communicate verbally, to adapt to changes and stressful situation, as well as their nonverbal communication, emotional expression and regulation of emotions.


Student Services Department prepares seminars and programs, throughout the year, that promote the well-being of the students, valid and objective information and a mindful approach.

Whole school programs include:

  • Health and Safety
  • Risk and Stress Management
  • Sexual Education from K-Gr 12
  • Mindfulness
  • Mental Health Week – Raising awareness on mental health difficulties
  • Dog Therapy
  • Career Orientation Inventories

Students are active members of the Well-being actions, since they are encouraged to make suggestions and participate in the planning and implementation of the programs. This takes place under adult supervision. 

Pinewood has recently become part of a school-wide well-being approach and has organized the Pinewood Mindful School Project. Students and teachers are supported to practice main principles of Mindful Education, namely awareness, curiosity, focus, attentiveness, creativity and caring. 

A second initiative that was initiated at Pinewood in 2019, is the Sex Ed for all grades, from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Students will receive education, according to their age, will learn the importance and way of building relationships, discovering body parts, and respecting privacy, as well as hygiene. Moving on to older students, puberty, relationships, online behavior and human sexuality are themes that will be covered. The Sex Ed curriculum is adjusted to the needs of our school and is delivered by trained professionals.